Coupons and Offers

Find details regarding current promotions, active coupon codes, sales, giveaways and more below.

Enjoy 30% off Sitewide!

Enjoy 30% off sitewide! This discount is valid through October 28, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. CST and is good towards select purchases online at Use code NEWHOL24 at checkout to apply discount. Discount may not be used in combination with other discounts and is not applicable towards past purchases, returned merchandise, special orders or gift cards. Offer has no cash value, is nontransferable and may not be auctioned or sold. No cash/credit back. Pinch Provisions reserves the right to modify or discontinue this offer at any time. Void where prohibited by law.

Free Shipping $50+

For a limited time, receive free shipping on purchases totaling $50 or higher! Applicable towards ground shipping only for orders shipping in the contiguous United States.

$5 Flat Rate Shipping

For a limited time, ship via ground for a flat fee of $5. Applicable towards ground shipping only for orders shipping in the contiguous United States.